Grace Rules Galatians 3:23-4:7 1. Adoption is by GRACE. 2. Adoption makes us full, equal members of GOD’S FAMILY. 3. Adoption creates a permanent, unshakeable RELATIONSHIP with GOD. 4. Adoption only comes through FAITH in JESUS.
Grace Rules Galatians 2:15-21 JUSTIFICATION: Instantly declared RIGHTEOUS before God because of CHRIST’S WORK. 1. Everyone needs JUSTIFICATION. 2. Justification is NEVER EARNED. 3. Justification is by GRACE alone, through FAITH alone, in CHRIST alone. 4. Justification means you CAN LIVE for C …
Grace Rules Galatians 1:11-24 1. Grace changes your PRIMARY IDENTITY. 2. Grace delivers you from your PAST. 3. Grace changes your PERSPECTIVE on PEOPLE. 4. Grace calls you to a NEW MISSION.
Grace Rules Galatians 1:1-12 1. The gospel comes from GOD. 2. There is only ONE gospel. 3. The gospel is received by FAITH.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 24:29-33; Judges 1:27, 2:10-11, 21:25 1. JOSHUA: CLAIMED the promises of God. 2. JUDGES: SQUANDERED the promises of God. 3. JESUS: RESTORES the promises of God.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 24:14-28 To fight for a legacy, you must: 1. Remember what GOD has DONE. 2. Reject SINFUL ALLEGIANCES. 3. Choose to follow GOD ALONE. 4. Give your children a FUTURE of FAITH.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 20:1-9 1. God VALUES every LIFE. 2. God is COMMITTED to JUSTICE. 3. God has MERCY on His MIND. 4. Run to HIS REFUGE.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 14:6-15 People who stay on the mission: 1. SEE what others won’t SEE. 2. BELIEVE when others don’t BELIEVE. 3. FIGHT when others won’t FIGHT.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 9:1-27; 10:5-15, 40-43 God gives you courage to stay in the fight because: 1. Your FAILURE is never FINAL. 2. Your OBEDIENCE aligns you with the Lord’s POWER. 3. VICTORY belongs to the Lord.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 6:18, 27; 7:1-26 1. Sin is SERIOUS. 2. Sin SPLATTERS. 3. Sin requires REPENTANCE. 4. Jesus DEALT WITH the sin in our camp.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 5:1, 13-15; 6:1-27 You have courage to overcome when you: 1. STAND with God. 2. RECEIVE God’s plan. 3. COMMIT to radical obedience. 4. SURRENDER to God’s grace.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 3:5-17; 4:4-10, 21-24 Courageous Next Steps: 1. Require your CONSECRATION. 2. Rely on God’s PRESENCE. 3. Demand your OBEDIENCE. 4. Remember God’s FAITHFULNESS.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 2:1-15; 6:24-26 1. God is WORKING in unlikely PLACES. 2. God is SAVING unlikely PEOPLE. 3. God is WRITING unlikely STORIES. 4. God can use you to bring SALVATION HOME.
Don’t Back Down Joshua 1:1-11, 16-18 1. God prepares LEADERS to do big things. 2. God’s Word GUIDES you to do big things. 3. God gives you COURAGE so you can do big things. 4. God pulls you CLOSE so you can do big things.
Making The Case For God’s Design Matthew 25:31-46; 28:16-20 1. Sinners need to be SAVED. 2. Hell is REAL. 3. Hell is ETERNAL. 4. Hell is TERRIFYING. 5. Jesus came to SAVE SINNERS.
Making The Case For God’s Design GENESIS 2:15-17, 3:1-7; JOHN 11:1-44; ROMANS 8:18-30; REVELATION 21:1-6 As Christians, we know that: 1. Evil is REAL. 2. Brokenness is PAINFUL. 3. God is PRESENT. 4. God is WORKING. 5. Restoration is COMING.
Making the Case for God’s Design GENESIS 1:26-28; ROMANS 1:16-32 1. Biological sex and gender should MATCH. 2. Heterosexual attraction is God’s DESIGN and our GOAL. 3. Sexual expression and experience are for MARRIAGE. 4. Christians should date and marry OTHER CHRISTIANS. 5. Marriage is for LIFE.
Making The Case For God’s Design Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:1-12 1. Marriage is GOD’S DESIGN. 2. Marriage is for PARTNERSHIP and RELATIONSHIP. 3. Marriage is designed to be PERMANENT. One man, one woman, for life 4. Marriage is for MULTIPLICATION. 5. Marriage points us to CHRIST.
Making the Case for God’s Design Genesis 1:24-31; Psalm 139:13-16 1. God made every person in HIS IMAGE. 2. God wants every person to be PRO-LIFE. 3. God LOVES every person.
Making the Case for God’s Design Genesis 1:1; Romans 1:19-20 1. God created EVERYTHING in the UNIVERSE. 2. God loves us and created us to KNOW HIM. 3. God has made His EXISTENCE OBVIOUS. 4. Jesus has made GOD ACCESSIBLE.
Making the Case for God’s Design I 1 Corinthians 15:14-19; Exodus 34:6 (KJV); 2 Timothy 3:16; John 1:14 1. PEOPLE need truth. 2. GOD is truth. 3. The BIBLE is truth. 4. JESUS is truth.
Palm Sunday Luke 19:28-40 1. Jesus is the TRUE King. 2. Jesus is a DIFFERENT KIND of King. 3. Is Jesus YOUR King?
Investigating Jesus: Is He Lifting You Up? XXVI LUKE 22:24-30 1. Jesus RECALIBRATES our UNDERSTANDING of greatness. 2. Jesus REROUTES our QUEST for greatness. 3. Jesus REWARDS ordinary, radical FAITHFULNESS.
Investigating Jesus: Is He Lifting You Up? XXV LUKE 22:1-23 1. REMEMBER what God has done. 2. PARTICIPATE in what God is doing. 3. BELIEVE in what God will do.
Investigating Jesus: Is He Lifting You Up? XXIV Luke 19:1-10 1. Repentance REORDERS your AFFECTIONS. 2. Repentance RESETS your PRIORITIES. 3. Repentance results in RAPID OBEDIENCE.
Investigating Jesus: Is He Lifting You Up? XXIII LUKE 18:18-30 1. Surrender admits that you are NOT GOOD ENOUGH. 2. Surrender trusts that Jesus is MORE THAN ENOUGH. 3. Surrender believes that God has SOMETHING BETTER.
Investigating Jesus: Is He Lifting You Up? XXII Luke 18:9-14 1. Self-righteousness is DANGEROUS. 2. Self-awareness is VIRTUOUS. 3. God honors REPENTANCE. 4. God offers MERCY.
Relentless Pursuit: High Stakes V LUKE 19:11-27 (MULTILINE)
Relentless Pursuit: High Stakes IV LUKE 21:1-4 1. Generous giving is INTENTIONAL. 2. Generous giving is PROPORTIONAL. • The Bible teaches REGULAR, CONSISTENT giving. • A tithe is a good, BIBLICAL BENCHMARK. • Tithing is neither a LAW nor a LIMIT. 3. Generous giving is SACRIFICIA …
Relentless Pursuit: High Stakes III LUKE 17:11-19 1. Thankfulness is a CHOICE. 2. Thankfulness must be CULTIVATED. 3. Thankfulness must be EXPRESSED. 4. Thankfulness must have the RIGHT OBJECT.
RELENTLESS PURSUIT : HIGH STAKES II LUKE 16:1-13 How to make money your servant, not your master: 1. Understand the POTENTIAL of your money. 2. Make a shrewd PLAN for your money. · GIVE, · SAVE, · LIVE on the REST. 3. Leverage your money for KINGDOM PRIORITIES.
Relentless Pursuit: High Stakes I LUKE 12:13-21 1. God is the OWNER. 2. We are the MANAGERS. 3. Manage toward ETERNITY. 4. Expect ACCOUNTABILITY.
CHRISTMAS AT FAMILY CHURCH LUKE 2:1-7; MATTHEW 1:18-25 1. Joseph shows love by OBEYING God’s WORD. 2. Joseph shows love by taking RESPONSIBILITY for his FAMILY. 3. Joseph shows love by doing the next RIGHT THING. 4. Jesus shows love by SAVING us from our SINS.
Christmas at Family Church: Joy LUKE 1:39-56 1. Joy comes from MAGNIFYING God’s MIGHT. 2. Joy comes from BELIEVING God’s TRUTH. 3. Joy comes from ENGAGING God’s PEOPLE. 4. Joy comes from EMBRACING God’s PROMISES.
Christmas at Family Church: Peace LUKE 1:26-38 1. We have peace because God has a PLAN. 2. We have peace because God can do the IMPOSSIBLE. 3. We have peace because Jesus came to MAKE PEACE.
Christmas at Family Church – Hope LUKE 1:5-25; LUKE 1:57-66 We can have hope because: 1. God HEARS our CRY. 2. God INVITES us to TRUST Him. 3. God KEEPS His PROMISES.
Investigating Jesus: Is He for Everyone? XIX LUKE 16:19-31 1. BEWARE of what you love. 2. DEATH is final. 3. HEAVEN and HELL are real. 4. You must CHOOSE.
Investigating Jesus: Is He for Everyone? XIX LUKE 15:1-2; 11-32 1. SELF-INDULGENCE disconnects us from the Father. 2. SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS disconnects us from the Father. 3. REPENTANCE reconnects us to the Father. 4. RESTORATION is the heart of the Father.
INVESTIGATING JESUS XVIII LUKE 15:1-10 1. We should LOVE God’s heart for SINNERS. 2. We should JOIN God’s search for the LOST. 3. We should SHARE God’s celebration for REPENTERS.
Investigating Jesus XVII LUKE 10:25-37 A true neighbor: 1. Demonstrates COMPASSION. 2. Takes ACTION. 3. Is prepared to SACRIFICE.
Investigating Jesus: Is He for Everyone? XVI Luke 8:4-15 1. Jesus INVITES every heart. 2. Jesus KNOWS every heart. 3. Jesus CAN CHANGE every heart. 4. Jesus CALLS your heart to HIS MISSION.
Investigando a Jesús XV Lucas 9:28-36 1. WAKE UP to who Jesus is. 2. LISTEN to Jesus. 3. LIVE for Jesus.
Investigating Jesus: Is He Able? XIV LUKE 9:10-17 1. Jesus is the TRUER and GREATER multiplier. 2. Jesus multiplies through HIS PEOPLE. 3. Jesus multiplies for HIS PURPOSES. 4. Jesus multiplies to BLESS.
Investigating Jesus: Is He Able? IX LUKE 7:11-17 1. Jesus steps into your PAIN and SORROW. 2. Jesus speaks with AUTHORITY. 3. Jesus secures LIFE from DEATH.
Investigating Jesus: Is He Able? VIII LUKE 7:1-10 1. Jesus loves every PERSON from every PLACE. 2. Jesus has AUTHORITY over ALL THINGS. 3. Jesus has authority to HEAL. 4. Jesus responds to HUMILITY and FAITH.
Investigating Jesus: Is He the One? VII LUKE 6:27-49 1. Learn to LOVE your ENEMIES. 2. Live a LIFE of MERCY. 3. LOOK OUT for your own BLIND SPOTS. 4. LISTEN to Jesus and DO what He says.
Investigating Jesus: Is He the One? VI LUKE 6:12-26 1. Jesus sees your STRUGGLE. 2. Jesus is up front about the COST. 3. Jesus warns against COMPROMISE. 4. Jesus promises you a better FUTURE.
Investigating Jesus: Is He the One? V Luke 6:1-11 1. Jesus is Lord over ALL THINGS and ALL DAYS. 2. Jesus brings FREEDOM not LEGALISM. 3. Jesus should be Lord over ALL ASPECTS of your life.
Investigating Jesus: Is He the One? IV LUKE 5:17-26 1. Jesus has the POWER to HEAL. 2. You have a greater need than PHYSICAL HEALING. 3. Jesus is the only one who can FORGIVE your SINS. 4. Be a BRINGER.
LUKE 5:1-11, 27-32 Jesus’ call is: 1. For ALL KINDS of people. 2. For those who RECOGNIZE their BROKENNESS. 3. To OBEDIENCE and SURRENDER. 4. To a MISSION that goes BEYOND US.
LUKE 4:14-30, 42-44 1. Jesus is the BIG STORY of the Bible. 2. Jesus is the PROMISED MESSIAH. 3. Jesus is the RESCUE we actually NEED. 4. Jesus is for EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.
Investigating Jesus I Luke 4:1-13 1. God’s Word tells us ONE STORY. 2. Jesus shows us how to RESIST TEMPTATION. 3. Jesus STANDS in the place of SINNERS. 4. God’s story must DIRECT our DECISIONS.
Seeing God’s Merciful Heart XI 1 Kings 2:1-4, Acts 13:21-23, 36-39 // Psalm 127 1. David had a heart for God ALONE. 2. David had a heart for God’s HOUSE. 3. David had a heart for the NEXT GENERATION.
GOD’S MERCY IN THE MESS 2 SAMUEL 13 – 18 // PSALM 3 1. God’s design is the BEST WAY to live. 2. David’s sin created CRUSHING CONSEQUENCES. 3. We REPENT and CAST OURSELVES on God’s mercy. 4. Jesus has CARRIED our SHAME.
Life of David: God’s Merciful Heart IX 2 Samuel 12:1-15 // Psalm 51 1. God confronts sin with His Word. 2. David confesses his sin and runs back to God. 3. We must cultivate a repentant heart. 4. Jesus will always cleanse us.
2 SAMUEL 11:1-27; PSALM 119:9-11 1. God graciously gives us STORIES of WARNING. 2. David’s failure started SMALL and got BIGGER. 3. We must FLEE compromise and PURSUE God’s design. 4. Jesus COVERS over our SIN.
Life of David: God’s Mighty Hand VII 2 Samuel 7:1-29; Psalm 89 1. God’s promises are BIGGER and BETTER. 2. David takes a low POSTURE and gives high PRAISE. 3. We must respond in HUMILITY and HOPE. 4. Jesus FULFILLS God’s promise FOREVER.
Life of David: Seeing God’s Mighty Hand VI 2 SAMUEL 6:1-23 // PSALM 96 1. God REQUIRES our true worship. 2. David shows us that true worship must include OBEDIENCE. 3. We must SURRENDER everything to God on HIS TERMS. 4. Jesus is WORTHY of our true worship.
Life Of David: Seeing God’s Mighty Hand V 1 SAMUEL 30:1-31; Psalm 27 1. REMEMBER God is AVAILABLE in our despair. 2. David RETURNED to the God who RESCUES. 3. We must RECEIVE and REFLECT the grace of God. 4. Jesus will RESTORE what is LOST.
Life of David: God’s Mighty Hand IV 1 Samuel 18:1-5; 20:12-17, 2 Samuel 9:1-13, Psalm 1 1. The King SEEKS those who do not BELONG. 2. David shows us the KINDNESS of the TRUE King. 3. The King CALLS us HOME. 4. Jesus makes us FELLOW HEIRS of the King.
Life of David: God’s Mighty Hand III 1 SAMUEL 18:6-16, 28-30; 24:1-22; PSALM 142 1. God does not always SHIELD us from OPPOSITION. 2. David chose RELIANCE over RETALIATION. 3. You can choose RELIANCE in the face of OPPOSITION. 4. Jesus is always our REFUGE.
Life of David: Seeing God’s Mighty Hand II 1 SAMUEL 17:1-58 1. The BATTLE belongs to the Lord. 2. David’s COURAGE came from his TRUST in the Lord. 3. You must TRUST that the Lord FIGHTS for you. 4. Let Jesus be your CHAMPION.
Life of David: Seeing God’s Mighty Hand I 1 SAMUEL 16:1-13 1. God has a GRAND PLAN. 2. David had an OBEDIENT HEART. 3. God can use ANYBODY. 4. Jesus is the UNLIKELY and ANOINTED King.
The Resurrection Of King Jesus Matthew 28:1-20 Point 1 The Resurrection of King Jesus Point 2 The Resurrection of King Jesus Point 3 The Resurrection of King Jesus
Palm Sunday MATTHEW 21:1-17 1. Do you RECOGNIZE who He is? 2. Do you REALIZE what He is doing? 3. Do you RECEIVE Him as your King?
Winning Culture VI 1 TIMOTHY 6:3-21 1. Generosity FLOWS from our CONTENTMENT. 2. Generosity TESTS our AFFECTION. 3. Generosity REQUIRES our ACTION.
1 TIMOTHY 5:1-25 We serve others through: 1. Loving FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS. 2. Loving HONOR and CARE. 3. Loving ACCOUNTABILITY.
1 TIMOTHY 2:8-3:13 1. “Qualified leadership” is ROOTED in God’s design. 2. Qualified leaders provide LIVING EXAMPLES for the church family. 3. Qualified leaders bring CLARITY and COMFORT to the church family.
Winning Culture III 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-7 1. Dependent prayer has all PEOPLE as its OBJECT. 2. Dependent prayer has SALVATION as its GOAL. 3. Dependent prayer has CHRIST as its CONFIDENCE.
Cultura Vencedora III 1 Timóteo 2 1. Muda CIRCUNSTÂNCIAS. 2. Agrada a DEUS. 3. Trás SALVAÇÃO.
Winning Culture II 1 Timothy 1:12-20 1. People development is PERSONAL. 2. People development is SPIRITUAL. 3. People development is CONSEQUENTIAL.
Winning Culture I 1 Timothy 1:1-11; 4:1-16 Sound teaching results in: 1. Devotion to GOD’S WORD. 2. Devotion to FAITH that results in LOVE. 3. Devotion to GOD’S DESIGN. 4. Devotion to REPENTANCE and RESTORATION.
Relentless Pursuit: Live to Bless IV 2 CHRONICLES 7:11-18 1. God BUILDS His kingdom through His people. 2. God calls His people to REPRESENT His kingdom. 3. God’s kingdom will not FAIL.
RELENTLESS PURSUIT: LIVE TO BLESS II 1 CHRONICLES 29:1-22 1. God’s design for giving is WHOLEHEARTED. 2. God’s design for giving is PRAYERFUL, PLANNED, and PROPORTIONAL. 3. God’s design for giving is FUTURE FOCUSED.
1 CHRONICLES 22:7,19; 29:1-22 A Vision for Living to Bless: 1. God wants us to GIVE from the HEART. 2. God wants EVERYONE to do their PART. 3. God BLESSES us to be a BLESSING.
Success Sequence III 2 Peter 1:8-11 1. RECEIVE the GRACE of God. 2. REMEMBER your RESCUE. 3. RECOVER God’s DESIGN. 4. REACH for ETERNITY.
2 Peter 1:5-7 Successful Christians: 1. Believe the PROMISES of GOD. 2. Discover the PRINCIPLES of GROWTH. 3. Commit to the PURSUIT of GODLINESS.
Success Sequence 2 Peter 1:1-4 1. True success is SPIRITUAL SUCCESS. 2. True success requires INTENTIONAL PARTICIPATION. 3. True success is DIRECTLY RELATED to your alignment with GOD’S WORD.
LOVE JOHN 3:16-18 1. Love addresses CONFUSION. 2. Love creates CONVICTION. 3. Love calls for a CONFESSION.
JOY JOHN 1:14-18 1. We find joy in the REVELATION of God’s GLORY. 2. We find joy in the CLARITY of God’s TRUTH. 3. We find joy in the ACCEPTANCE of God’s GRACE.
JOHN 1:9-13 Jesus brings peace to a world in conflict by giving us: 1. A TRUTH to BELIEVE. 2. An INVITATION to RECEIVE. 3. A PLACE to BELONG.
CHRISTMAS AT FAMILY CHURCH JOHN 1:1-9 Jesus, the eternal light of the world, brings hope in the darkness: 1. The Light was PROMISED. 2. The Light PREVAILS. 3. The Light is still SHINING.
EPHESIANS 5:18-6:9 God has a design for your relationships: 1. You have a responsibility in your RELATIONSHIPS. 2. You are responsible to seek the BEST for the OTHER PERSON. 3. You are required to submit to CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT. 4. Your relationships tell a STORY about JESUS.
EPHESIANS 4:17 – 5:21 A new identity calls us to a new lifestyle: New PERSON. New PATTERNS. New PEOPLE. New POWER.
EPHESIANS 4:1-16 Face isolation by belonging to the body of Christ: 1. Commit to UNITY with other Christians. 2. Commit to MATURITY within the church. 3. Commit to BUILDING up the body of Christ.
EPHESIANS 2:11-22 Face hostility by knowing that: 1. Jesus gives us HOPE. 2. Jesus makes us EQUAL. 3. Jesus gives us ACCESS. 4. Jesus makes us a FAMILY.
True Identity II EPHESIANS 2:1-10 God’s grace addresses anxiety: 1. About our PAST. 2. About our PRESENT SITUATION. 3. About our FUTURE.
True Identity I EPHESIANS 1:1-23 Face rejection by knowing: 1. WHO you are. 2. WHOSE you are. 3. Why your TRUE IDENTITY matters.
FACING CURVEBALLS & CRISES PROVERBS 22:6; GALATIANS 6:1-10 When families experience curveballs and crises: Families require BURDEN-SHARING. Family issues are SPIRITUAL ISSUES. Families must play LONG BALL. Families take a RESTORATION posture.
DEUTERONOMY 6:1-9; 20-25 What should Christian parents give our kids? 1. A PASSION for GOD. 2. CONVERSATIONS about GOD. 3. A CONNECTION to the family of JESUS.
GOD’S DESIGN FOR MARRIAGE Genesis 2:18-25 God’s design for marriage includes: 1. INTIMACY. 2. EXCLUSIVITY. 3. PRODUCTIVITY. 4. LONGEVITY. 5. TELLING the GOSPEL STORY.
GOD’S DESIGN FOR GENDER & SEXUALITY GENESIS 1:26-28 God’s design for men and women includes: Fundamental EQUALITY. Fundamental DIFFERENTIATION. Fundamental INTERDEPENDENCE. ————————————————————————————————————————— …
ROOTED IN GOODNESS GENESIS 50:15-26; ROMANS 8:28-29 Faith in God’s goodness: 1. COMPELS us to FIGHT through. 2. ALLOWS us to FORGIVE others. 3. SEES a FUTURE for our families.
ROOTED IN GRACE GENESIS 32:22-32; ROMANS 7:21-8:1; HEBREWS 11:21 When you are rooted in grace: 1. You WRESTLE with your COMPLEXITY. 2. You RECEIVE your new IDENTITY. 3. Your LIMP becomes your LEGACY.
Rooted in Redemption IV GENESIS 22:1-19; 26:1-5; JOHN 3:16; HEBREWS 11:17-19 A life of unshakeable faith: 1. Results in SURRENDER. 2. Chooses to SACRIFICE. 3. Receives a SUBSTITUTE. 4. Takes the NEXT STEP.
ARRAIGADOS EN LA REDENCIÓN IV Génesis 22:1-19; 26:1-5 Una fe inquebrantable: 1. Resulta en RENDICIÓN. 2. Escoge SACRIFICAR. 3. Recibe un SUSTITUTO. 4. Da el PRÓXIMO PASO.
ROOTED IN FAITH GENESIS 15:1-17, 21:1-3; HEBREWS 11:8-12 Being rooted in faith means we: 1. Have faith in God’s PROMISES. 2. Have faith in God’s TIMING. 3. Have faith in God’s SON.
ROOTED IN REDEMPTION GENESIS 1:26-28; GENESIS 3:1-21; ROMANS 5:12-17; 1 CORINTHIANS 15:22,39 1. God’s BLESSING gives us MEANING. 2. God’s INSTRUCTION gives us MISSION. 3. God’s PROVISION gives us MERCY.
Revelation 22:1-21 While we wait for The Day, we… 1. FOCUS on the PERSON of Christ. 2. LIVE by the WORD of Christ. 3. ANTICIPATE the RETURN of Christ. 4. ACCEPT the INVITATION of Christ.
REVELATION 21:9-27; 22:1-5 1. Heaven is the COMPLETE OBLITERATION of all the WORST things. 2. Heaven is the PERFECT EXPERIENCE of all the BEST things. 3. Heaven is ALIVE with the PRESENCE of God. 4. Heaven is BEING CLOSE to God FOREVER.
REVELATION 21:1-8 The One on the throne… 1. Will wash away OLD BROKENNESS. 2. Will make ALL THINGS new. 3. Will dwell in the PRESENCE of HIS PEOPLE. 4. Calls His creation to COME to HIM.
REVELATION 20 “Then I saw…” 1. The FUTILITY of OPPOSING Christ. 2. The FAITHFUL REIGNING with Christ. 3. EVERYONE rightly JUDGED by Christ.
COSMIC, EARTHLY & FINAL BATTLES REVELATION 19 The conquering King returns: To receive the WORSHIP He DESERVES. To be REUNITED with the BRIDE He REDEEMED. To demonstrate the POWER He HOLDS. To finalize the VICTORY He has already WON. _______________________________________.
LIVING AS EXILES REVELATION 17 & 18 What is the ATTRACTION of IDOLATROUS Babylon? Where is my HOPE and SECURITY? How do I stay FAITHFUL in a world of COMPROMISE?
TEAM JESUS REVELATION 7, 11:1-14, 14 Those on the side of the Lamb are: WORSHIPPERS. WITNESSES. WINNERS.
THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE REVELATION 6, 8-10, 11:15-19, 15-16 God’s judgment flows from HIS HOLINESS. God’s judgment is JUST. God’s judgment is NECESSARY. God’s mercy is AVAILABLE.
Jesus Wins: A Study of Revelation VI HEAVENLY WORSHIP REVELATION 4-5 He is on the THRONE. He is WORTHY of WORSHIP. Worship the KING!
PALM SUNDAY JOHN 12:9-19 The EMPTY TOMB is a SIGN for you. The INVITATION of Jesus is OPEN to you. The choice to BELIEVE is UP to you.
THE TRUE ONE REVELATION 3:7-22 Book of Revelation Author: St. John from Patmos Audience: 7 ancient churches Context: Roman persecution Point: Jesus wins! Jesus is in charge. Jesus expects fiery faithfulness. Jesus promises stability and intimacy.
THE TRUE ONE REVELATION 3:7-22 Book of Revelation Author: St. John from Patmos Audience: 7 ancient churches Context: Roman persecution Point: Jesus wins! Jesus is in charge. Jesus expects fiery faithfulness. Jesus promises stability and intimacy.
THE REIGNING KING REVELATION 2:18-3:6 Book of Revelation Author: St. John from Patmos Audience: 7 ancient churches Context: Roman persecution Point: Jesus wins! Jesus has ultimate authority. Jesus expects us to wake up and repent. Jesus promises vindication and victory.
THE RESURRECTED WARRIOR REVELATION 2:8-17 Book of Revelation Author: _________________________ Audience: _______________________ Context: ________________________ Point: __________________________ Jesus is fighting our spiritual battles. Jesus expects us to conquer spiritual compromise. Jesus promis …
FIRST LOVE REVELATION 2:1-7 Book of Revelation Author: _____________________ Audience: ___________________ Context: ____________________ Point: ______________________ Jesus is engaged with us. Jesus expects us to love Him above all. Jesus promises believers eternal life.
THE KEY TO READING REVELATION REVELATION 1:1-20 Book of Revelation Author: _____________________________________________ Audience: ___________________________________________ Genre: ______________________________________________ Context: _____________________________________________ 1. J …
THE JOY OF GENEROSITY PHILIPPIANS 4:10-20 A generous heart: BENEFITS others. BUILDS God’s Kingdom. BLESSES you. Additional Notes:
PHILIPPIANS 3:1-21; 4:6-7 Pursue true riches: Rethink your SECURITY. Replace your SCORECARD. Redirect your STRIVING. Additional Notes:
PHILIPPIANS 1:12-30 A joyful pursuit of significance in Christ: Requires SACRIFICE. Advances the GOSPEL. Results in SATISFACTION. Additional Notes:
PHILIPPIANS 1:1-11 Jesus gives us a VISION to INSPIRE Jesus gives us a FAMILY to ENCOURAGE Jesus gives us the RESOURCES to get it DONE. Additional Notes:
HEBREWS 5:11-14 Four questions to help you grow: Where is your HEART? 2. What do you SEE? What does it MEAN? What should you DO? Additional Questions:
IS THE BIBLE FOR EXPERTS OR EVERYONE? 2 Timothy 2:15 The Bible is FOR YOU. The Bible is UNDERSTANDABLE. The Bible requires INTENTIONAL STUDY. The Bible facilitates SPIRITUAL PROGRESS. The Bible teaches us to be LIKE JESUS.
2 PETER 1:16-21 1. The Bible is the WORD of GOD. 2. The Bible YOU HAVE is the Word of God. 3. The WRITTEN Word of God points to the LIVING Word of God. Additional Notes:
2 TIMOTHY 3:14-17 The Bible is AUTHORITATIVE. The Bible is UNDERSTANDABLE. The Bible is NECESSARY. Additional Notes:
MATTHEW 2:1-12 Every person has to decide what to do with Christmas: 1. Some people RESIST the story of Jesus. 2. Some people IGNORE the story of Jesus. 3. Some people REJOICE in the story of Jesus. Additional Notes:
MATTHEW 1:18-21; LUKE 1:26-38 You can have peace at Christmas because: God’s WORD is TRUE. God BREAKS THROUGH. God came FOR YOU. Additional Notes:
MATTHEW 1:1-18 The hope of Christmas: 1. The PROMISES CREATE hope. 2. The CURSE CRUSHES hope. 3. The promises are MORE POWERFUL than the curse. Additional Notes:
NEXT GENERATION ACTS 1:8; 28:30-31; ROMANS 15:18-24 The movement passed on to us: Goes beyond our PLACE. Goes beyond our TIME. Goes beyond our ABILITIES. Goes beyond our IMAGINATION.
STRONG FINISHERS ACTS 28:15-31 Strong finishers must be: CONNECTED to the FAMILY of God. CONTROLLED by the WORD of God. COMMITTED to advancing the KINGDOM of God.
MAXIMIZE MAJOR MOMENTS ACTS 26:1-32 A movement that is built to last maximizes major moments: Leverage your INFLUENCE. Tell your STORY. Invite people to BELIEVE.
SACRIFICIAL LEADERSHIP ACTS 20:17-38 Sacrificial leaders: 1. Guard their INTEGRITY. 2. Take RESPONSIBILITY for others. 3. Practice GENEROSITY. 4. FINISH well.
CASTING A WIDE NET ACTS 19: 1-10 A movement that is built to last casts a wide net that reaches: SEEKERS who need GUIDANCE. SKEPTICS who need CONVINCING. SERVANTS who need to carry out the MISSION.
ACTS 18:1-28 People who develop people: Lay a FOUNDATION. Leverage INFLUENCE. Leave a LEGACY.
ACTS 17:10-34 A movement that is built to last is intentional about crossing cultural barriers. MEET people where they are. SPEAK boldly about JESUS. INVITE them to RESPOND. LEAVE the results to GOD.
ACTS 17:1-9 Since our faith is built to last, we must: Be ANCHORED in the SCRIPTURES. Hold on to KING JESUS. Resist the SWAY of CULTURE. Turn the world UPSIDE DOWN
ACTS 16:6-40 God wants to expand His movement through you: Are you being LED by the SPIRIT? Are you LIFTING UP all kinds of PEOPLE? • OPEN hearts. • BROKEN hearts. • HARD hearts. Are you LAYING DOWN spiritual ROOTS?
ACTS 15:36-16:5 God’s mission propels us to unity. No one is PERFECT. We all have PREFERENCES. Unity is GREATER THANK our preferences. God REDEEMS differences and disagreements.
ACTS 15:1-35 In a world that prefers ambiguity, the Holy Spirit propels us to clarity: The Christian faith CALLS us to clarity. Faithful leaders FACILITATE clarity. Confessions of faith ARTICULATE clarity. A church family is ENCOURAGED by clarity.
ACTS 14:19-28 We are propelled to endure: In the FACE of OPPOSITION. For the SAKE of OTHERS. By the GRACE of GOD.
ACTS 14:1-18 In a world that wants us to be silent: We must be CLEAR on our MESSAGE. We must be COMMITTED to SPEAK. We must be CONFIDENT in Jesus regardless of the RESULTS.
ACTS 13:4-52 The Holy Spirit has a growth strategy – A strategy that engages with LOSTNESS and BROKENNESS. A strategy that tells the STORY of JESUS. A strategy that anticipates OPPOSITION and SUCCESS.
ACTS 13:1-3 God propels us to move through: The GATHERED church. GIFTED leaders. The GUIDANCE of the Holy Spirit. GUTSY obedience.
DEUTERONOMY 34:1-12; JOSHUA 1:1-18 God leads us by cultivating: CLOSENESS with Him. COURAGE to fight. COLLABORATION with others. CONVICTION for the mission.
NUMBERS 21:1-9 God is our healer. We see: God heals in a particular way. God heals in a peculiar way. God heals in a public way. God heals in a personal way.
NUMBERS 13:1-33; 14:1-11, 28-31 Focusing on the PROBLEM amplifies FEAR. Focusing on God’s PROMISES amplifies FAITH. Focusing on JESUS amplifies OBEDIENCE.
EXODUS 40:1-38 God instructs us with His PRINCIPLES. God fills us with His PRESENCE. God guides us by His LEADERSHIP. God provides a way for us through JESUS.
EXODUS 32-33 A jealous God: REQUIRES us to come to Him on HIS TERMS. REBUKES those He loves. RELENTLESSLY PURSUES you.
EXODUS 20:1-21 God lovingly gives us His law because: The law reveals GOD to US. The law reveals something ABOUT us. God wants to HEAL us.
EXODUS 16:1-36 Are you TRUSTING or COMPLAINING? Are you CONTENT or GREEDY? Are you RESTING or RUSHING? Do you believe Jesus is the TRUE BREAD?
EXODUS 14:1-31 When we face a hopeless situation: Do not FEAR. Stand FIRM. See the SALVATION of the LORD.
EXODUS 12:21-28 We all need to be DELIVERED. God is DETERMINED to DELIVER. The point of the story is JESUS. We are COMMANDED to tell the STORY.
EXODUS 3:1-21 God calls us after a SEASON of PREPARATION. God calls us in SPITE of our PAST. God calls us to PERSONAL OBEDIENCE. God equips us with HIS PRESENCE.
ACTS 12:1-25 God is SOVEREIGN. Opposition is PRESENT. Prayer is POWERFUL. Jesus is UNSTOPPABLE.
ACTS 11:19-30 The Holy Spirit destroys old limitations when a church family: Believes PROBLEMS create PROGRESS. Understands the POWER of SPEAKING the GOSPEL. Gets INTENTIONAL about PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT. Pursues PARTNERSHIPS to propel the MOVEMENT. Chooses RECONCILIATION over RESENTMENT.
ACTS 10:34-11:18 God is not limited by our DISTINCTIONS. The gospel is for EVERYONE. There is no “them” in GOD’S FAMILY.
ACTS 10:1-33 When God knocks down cultural barriers: Our Christian IDENTITY rises above our cultural IDENTITY. Our Christian MISSION rises above our cultural AGENDA. Our love for PEOPLE rises above our cultural PREFERENCES.
ACTS 9:19b-31 A spiritually mature person is: CONVERTED to Christ. COMMITTED to a church family. CRAVING God’s Word. COMPELLED by the mission.
ACTS 9:1-19 God is in RELENTLESS PURSUIT of you. God is not interested in your RELIGION. God is interested in a RELATIONSHIP with you.
ACTS 8:26-40 God knocks down walls with the gospel when we: RESPOND to His leading. RUN to those who are seeking. RAPIDLY obey His call. RELEASE new believers to impact their world.
ACTS 8:1-25 God is knocking down our PREJUDICES. God is knocking down COUNTERFEITS. God is knocking down DIVISIONS in the CHURCH. God is making us ONE.
MATTHEW 28:1-10 The resurrection story is a TRUE story. The resurrection story is a LIFE-CHANGING story. The resurrection story offers you an INVITATION and a CHOICE.
MATTHEW 21:1-17 What is triumphal about the triumphal entry? Jesus is the KING. Jesus is a DIFFERENT KIND of King. Jesus is a King for people. Is Jesus YOUR King?
ACTS 6:1-8; 7:51-56 The Holy Spirit wants you to risk loving an IMPERFECT CHURCH. The Holy Spirit wants you to risk loving PEOPLE who are DIFFERENT from you. The Holy Spirit will teach you to take the risk of STANDING ALONE.
ACTS 4:32-37; 5:1-11, 40-42 The Holy Spirit sets you free: To seek GOD’S approval (not MAN’S). To LOVE others (not USE them). To exercise true FAITH (not fake RELIGION).
ACTS 4:1-31 The Holy Spirit overcomes our fear by giving us: Boldness to BELIEVE. Boldness to SPEAK. Boldness to STAND. Boldness to RISK.
ACTS 3:1-16; JAMES 5:13-16 What if I need healing? EVERYBODY needs healing. God cares about my PHYSICAL needs and my SPIRITUAL needs. Physical healing ALWAYS points to JESUS. Spiritual healing ONLY comes through JESUS. When you need healing: Go to your PASTORS. Ask for PRAYER. Deal with SIN in your …
ACTS 2:42-47 You could be part of a church family that: LEARNS together. WORSHIPS together. LOVES one another. GROWS together.
ACTS 2:1-41 When you believe: The impossible happens TO you. The impossible happens IN you. The impossible happened FOR you. The impossible happens THROUGH you.
ACTS 1:1-8; LUKE 1:1-4 The purpose of God for your life requires three essential ingredients: The PLAN of God – His KINGDOM. The PRESENCE of God – the HOLY SPIRIT. The POWER of God.
MARK 12:38-44 Jesus cares about: WHAT we give. WHY we give. WHERE we give.
LUKE 12:13-34 If you want to be rich toward God, you need to: Learn to TRUST GOD. Learn to be CONTENT. Learn to GIVE. • REGULAR giving • PERCENTAGE giving • CHEERFUL giving • GENEROUS giving
MATTHEW 25:14-30 God is the OWNER. We are the MANAGERS. Invest FAITHFULLY. GIVE. SAVE. Live on the REST.
JAMES 3:1-12 To experience joy through adversity, believers need to use: Speech that is CONTROLLED. Speech that is CONSCIOUS. Speech that is CONSISTENT.
JAMES 1:22 – 2:7 Thriving under pressure means: LIVE the Word. LOVE the Word. Love OTHERS.
JAMES 2:1-8 Living out our faith no matter the circumstance means: 1. We meet TRIALS with JOY. 2. We request WISDOM with EXPECTATION. 3. We exercise FAITH with CONFIDENCE.
LUKE 2:1-20 (KJV); JOHN 3:16 (KJV) Christmas shows us that: 1. Love comes down from GOD. 2. Love comes down for SINNERS. 3. Love invites EVERYONE into a FAMILY.
LUKE 1:26-38; MATTHEW 1:18-25; ISAIAH 9:6-7 The supernatural birth of Jesus offers supernatural peace: Peace is SUPERNATURAL not NATURAL. Peace is God’s INITIATIVE, not man’s INGENUITY. Peace is for the UNLIKELY not the ENTITLED.
MICAH 5:2-5 Bethlehem shows believers we can take joy because: 1. God’s PLAN is UNSHAKEABLE. 2. God’s PROVISION is UNWAVERING. 3. God’s PEACE is UNENDING.
MATTHEW 1-17 You can have hope this Christmas because: God KEEPS His PROMISES. • His DELAYS are not DENIALS. God FULFILLS His PURPOSES. • Your DETOURS are not DISQUALIFICATIONS. God will keep His PROMISE and fulfill His PURPOSE in YOU! • You can have HOPE.
CORINTHIANS 15:3-8, 26, 55-57 I believe through Jesus: Death is DEFEATED. Resurrection is REALITY. Heaven is FOREVER. Everyone is INVITED.
MATTHEW 16:18-19; HEBREWS 10:19-25; EPHESIANS 4:11-17 UNIVERSAL Church – all believers everywhere from all time. LOCAL Church – a specific group of believers in a specific place at a specific time. When I say I belong to Family Church, I mean: I have a RELATIONSHIP with God and His people. I …
EPHESIANS 4:3-6; JOHN 14:12,16-17; 15:26; 16:8-11, 14 When I say, “I believe,” I mean: The Holy Spirit is GOD. The Holy Spirit LIVES in my HEART. The Holy Spirit is my HELPER. The Holy Spirit POINTS PEOPLE to JESUS.
PHILIPPIANS 2:5-11; ACTS 4:8-10, 12; HEBREWS 1:1-4 I believe: Jesus is my REIGNING KING. Jesus is my RISEN SAVIOR. Jesus is my RETURNING JUDGE.
JUDE 1:3; MATTHEW 6:9-13; ROMANS 8:14-16; LUKE 15:11-32; ISAIAH 40:21-31; ROMANS 1:18-25 I BELIEVE: God is KIND enough to LOVE me. God is POWERFUL enough to HELP me. God is LOVING enough to FIND me.
JUDE 1:3 When I say “I believe:” I agree that what the BIBLE SAYS is TRUE. I am ALIGNING MY LIFE with the truths I believe. I know that my BELIEFS will put me in a CULTURAL MINORITY. I choose to PERSONALLY EMBRACE these truths. I am submitting my MODERN DOUBTS to the ANCIENT FAITH.
COLOSSIANS 3:1-4 When Jesus is at the center of our citizenship: We honor the LAWS, LEADERS, and GOVERNMENTS here on earth. • Romans 13:1, 7 We acknowledge the role that CHRISTIANS played in the FOUNDING of our nation. We should point out that the most important AMERICAN idea is really a BIBLE idea. …
COLOSSIANS 4:2-9 When Jesus is at the center of our conversations: We are PRAYERFUL. We are INTENTIONAL. We are PERSONAL.
COLOSSIANS 3:22-4:1 When Jesus is at the center of your work: You work with the right HEART. You work for the right REASONS. You work for the right PERSON.
COLOSSIANS 3:20-21 When Jesus is at the center of our parenting: Parenting is for TRAINING. Parenting is for ENCOURAGEMENT. Parenting is for LIFE.
COLOSSIANS 3:18-19 When Jesus is at the center of a marriage: You RECOGNIZE God’s DESIGN. You RESPECT God’s INSTRUCTIONS. You RECOVER God’s BLESSINGS.
COLOSSIANS 3:5-17 1. REMOVE the rags from your OLD life. 2. PUT ON the righteousness of your NEW life. TAKEAWAYS: 1. Let the PEACE of Christ rule. 2. Let the WORD of Christ dwell. 3. Get into the NAME of Jesus.
COLOSSIANS 2:16-3:4 Jesus-centered worship: REJECTS focusing on what we can do. REMEMBERS what Jesus has done. REFOCUSES our lives on Jesus. REJOICES in our future hope.
COLOSSIANS 2:1-15 When Jesus is at the center of your convictions: Jesus is your TREASURE. Jesus gives you ROOTS. Jesus sets you FREE. Jesus is your VICTOR.
COLOSSIANS 1:21-29 When Jesus is at the center of your transformation: He works IN you. He works AMONG you. He works THROUGH you.
COLOSSIANS 1:1-14 When Jesus is at the center of your faith: You BELIEVE in Jesus PERSONALLY. You are TRANSFORMED by Jesus in COMMUNITY. Jesus QUALIFIES you SUPERNATURALLY.
COLOSSIANS 1:15-20 Why the supremacy of Jesus is non-negotiable? 1. Jesus is SUPREME over CREATION. 2. Jesus is the HEAD of the CHURCH. 3. Jesus has done the WORK of RECONCILIATION.
JUDGES 16:19-30; 21:25 PROVERBS 15:3; 2 CHRONICLES 16:9; 1 SAMUEL 16:7 See God’s BIGGER AGENDA. See the DANGERS of your own APPETITES. See YOURSELF and OTHERS with God’s EYES.
JUDGES 16:1-22 No one is TOO GREAT to fail. No one is TOO SMALL to fail. Failure is something we all have in COMMON. No one can FIX their own FAILURE. Only ONE can OVERCOME our failure.
Judges 13-15 God wants us to leverage our ADVANTAGES to advance God’s MISSION and LIFT others up. God wants us to CURB DANGEROUS appetites and CULTIVATE GODLY appetites. God is determined to RESCUE and DELIVER His people forever.
JUDGES 10:6 – 12:7 1. God uses WHOEVER He WANTS. 2. God HATES “Canaanite thinking.” Canaanite thinking says it’s all about YOU. God says it’s all about HIM and about OTHERS. Canaanite thinking says you have to MANIPULATE God. God says, “TRUST Me. I LOVE you!” 3. God is full of LOVE and GRACE.
Scripture References: Judges 6:36-40; 7:1-25 God is calling us to replace FEAR with FAITH. Trust GOD even when you don’t have all the ANSWERS. God can do MORE with LESS than we can do with MORE. We NEED God more than He NEEDS us.